Advanced Text Formatting

Markdown lets you express yourself easier by formatting text using a special set of rules. To alter your text display, type your message normally and add these special rules to your text to have it displayed differently.

Text Style

  • *italics* renders as italics
  • **bold** renders as bold
  • ***bold italics*** renders as bold italics
  • ~~strikethrough~~ renders as strikethrough


Click the emojis icon to choose from over 1,000 emojis.

Or open the emoji autocomplete by typing a colon : followed by the first two characters of the emoji’s name.

:smile: :+1: :sheep:

Renders as:

Create labeled hyperlinks by wrapping the display text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.

[My Tel Pros!](

Renders as: My Tel Pros!


Make a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.

## Large Heading
### Smaller Heading
#### Even Smaller Heading

Renders as:


Create a list by using stars * or hyphens - as bullets. You’ll need to type the character then a space, and then your text. Indent the next bullet by adding 2 spaces in your text before the * or -. Always use SHIFT + ENTER to start a new line without sending the chat message.

* item one
* item two
  * item two sub-point

Renders as:

  • Item one
  • Item two
    • Item two sub-point

Make a Numbered List

1. Item one
1. Item two
1. Item three

Renders as:

  1. Item one
  2. Item two
  3. Item three

You can also start a list at any number

4. The first list number is 4.
1. The second list number is 5.
1. The third list number is 6.

Make a task list by including square brackets

- [ ] Item one
- [ ] Item two
- [x] Completed item

Separator Lines

Create a separator line by using three underscore _.


Renders as:

Block Quotes

Create block quotes using >.

> block quotes 

renders as:


Create a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe |. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons : within the header row.

| Left-Aligned  | Center Aligned  | Right Aligned |
| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
| Left column 1 | this text       |  $100 |
| Left column 2 | is              |   $10 |
| Left column 3 | centered        |    $1 |

Renders as:

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