• Preventing Toll Fraud and Voicemail Hacking on the NEC SL1100 & SL2100

    This Tech Tip offers suggestions for protecting your customers from unauthorized use of their phone system. Without these steps, a hacker could take control of a user’s mailbox’s Find-Me/Follow-Me feature and use it to send callers to an International number. 

  • Playing a Greeting Message to Callers While Ringing Phones on the NEC SL2100

    This feature allows you to play a recorded message to a caller while ringing telephones in a ring group. The message will play, and after a set number of repeats a 2nd message can also be played. When the call is answered the message stops and the caller is connected….

  • E911 Alarm and Display Notifications on the NEC SL2100

    Setting up E911 Alarm & Display Notifications is mandatory in order to comply with Kari’s Law. In a large office, warehouse, or campus environment, it’s important to know which user dialed 911. This Tech Tip will demonstrate how to display the extension name and number of the E911 calling party,…

  • Live Monitor (Answering Machine Emulation) on the NEC SL2100

    The Live Monitor (Answering Machine Emulation) feature allows an SL desk phone to work like a home answering machine, letting users screen their voice messages in real time. Users have the option to either intercept the call, or allow the caller to leave the message in their mailbox. This Tech…

  • Deleting a Blade from the NEC SL2100 or SL1100

    When you physically remove an expansion card (blade) from the NEC SL phone system, it’s a good practice to virtually delete that blade from programming as well. This can help to avoid programming issues down the road. An example would be if your customer replaces their CO-Lines with a T1/PRI…

  • Personal Speed Dial Numbers on the NEC SL2100

    This Tech Tip will demonstrate two ways to create personal speed dial numbers with names. Example 1 will use the NEC PCPro Programming Software. Example 2 will use a phone. This tip applies to both the NEC SL2100 and NEC SL1100 Phone Systems.

  • DSS Console Setup on the NEC SL2100 and SL1100

    This Tech Tip will demonstrate our preferred method to install and program an NEC DSS/BLF Console. This tip applies to both the NEC SL2100 and NEC SL1100 Phone Systems.

  • Importing a Database to the NEC SL2100 or SL1100

    The NEC PCPro Programming Software can be used to easily import an existing programming database to the NEC SL phone system. This tip applies to both the NEC SL2100 and NEC SL1100 Phone System.