
Installing a VoIP Daughterboard in the NEC SL2100

This Tech Tip demonstrates the procedure for mounting an NEC SL2100 VoIP Daughterboard Card on to the CPU Card inside the Main Chassis.


  • The procedure is being explained is for slot #1, however, the other slots are used in the same manner.
  • Circuit boards are not hot swappable. Do not remove or install from the chassis while powered up.
  • Do Not Power on until all installations have been completed.
  • If Expansion Chassis are installed, turn the power on/off in the order of Expansion 2 Chassis, Expansion 1 Chassis and then Main Chassis.
  • For your safety, smooth the cut edges after removing the plastic knockout.
  • Use PCPro to obtain a backup of the system database.

Important! Once the system reboots, you cannot connect to the LAN connector. You must use the VoIP connector. The VoIP default IP address is

Installing the VoIP DB Card

1. Turn off the system power

2. Loosen two screws and pull out the CPU board

3. Cut and remove the plastic knockout

4. Install the VoIP Daughterboard to J2 connector on the CPU board, and tighten the four screws

5. Insert the CPU board in the guide rail of chassis and push it securely into position, and tighten the two screws

6. Connect the VoIP Daughterboard to a Switching hub using a LAN Cable

7. Restore power to the system

Important! Once the system reboots, you cannot connect to the LAN connector. You must use the VoIP connector. The VoIP default IP address is